Have you ever wondered how you can increase your employee productivity and still keep costs in the workplace low and affordable? From doing surveys to see what your employees want and need to purchasing software that will help to improve customer interactions and keep your employees trained and happy, there are many ways that you can increase your employee productivity and still keep down your costs. Below you can find a few of those ways to get you headed in the right direction, and a few mistakes you don’t want to make that can destroy employee productivity.
Send out some surveys
MaxDiff surveys have been used for a while now to help with statistical analysis, and just to see what customers and employees want and need. Letting your employees know that you care about what they want and need by sending out a survey that actually asks what they think can go a long way towards helping you increase productivity and keep your costs down at the same time.
Make it easier with call center software
The easier you make it for your employees to interact with customers, the more productive they will be. Introducing some call center software features to your staff will help them to not only be more productive, but to be more organized as well. This not only helps your employees, it helps your customers and your desired bottom line in the long run. What’s not to love about that?
Avoid micromanaging your employees
While it’s true that owning your own business means you have to have your hands in everything that goes on in that business, micromanaging your employees is not going to help your business grow or make them any more productive. It’s important to remember that your employees are humans, not machines. If you want them to be productive, then you need to let them do what you tell them to do, without hovering over them every step of the way. Though it might not be easy, it’s the best way to go for everyone involved.
Now that you have three ways to help with employee productivity and reducing costs in your workplace, it’s time to move into a few of the mistakes you don’t want to make below.
Mistake #1: Rewarding busy instead of productive
One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not knowing the difference between busy and productive when it comes to their employees. Instead of rewarding the employee who logs the most time in a day or sends the most emails, try rewarding the one that is the most productive and has the sales to show it. This will motivate the rest to actually be productive, instead of just looking like they are trying to be.
Mistake #2: Having non-flexible schedules
In the past, it was pretty common for everyone to work a 9 to 5 schedule. That’s just not feasible or likely in today’s modern world. With remote working capabilities and the internet, employees have many, many options for getting those hours in each week. Don’t be a stickler with a non-flexible schedule that leaves no room for flexibility. Your employees will thank you for the flexibility, and be more apt to be productive to thank you for it as well.
These are just a few of the top ways that your company can increase employee productivity and reduce your costs in the workplace at the same time, and a few of the mistakes you won’t to avoid. Remember, employees are humans, not robots, so make sure that you treat them as such and you’ll be fine!